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This beautiful amethyst crystal cluster sits in a seam smushed together with other minerals over time. The back has that stunning, recognisable pattern of calcite and dolomite.

This is a Scottish amethyst cluster from southern Dumfries and Galloway. There is a touch of yellow limonite and probably a few other smushed minerals.

Ancient Greeks used amethyst cups for wine because they thought it had sobering properties. If the majority of Scots find out you get it on their shores they would dig it up and toss it out. Call it a generational difference.

This crystal cluster is around 300g but remember these two things: our scales don't go past 100g and Katriona always under-estates weights. We are currently sick of this problem and are off to buy new scales.

Don't forget to read all about amethyst crystals on our crystal blog before you go!

Incredible Amethyst Crystals on Epimorph calcite/dolomite Mineral Specimen

SKU: Rrwl
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